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One Day Workshop: Sat, Sept 9th, Tracy, CA

Experiencing the class activities is the best way to learn how to run a CI class. In this one-day workshop we demonstrate the key activities that teachers can start doing the very next day in class. We will also have enough time for short, scheduled teacher talk sessions where we examine how and why each activity works, focusing on the skills that make the teacher comprehensible to their students.

Our one-day workshop includes:
Live demonstrations of key activities and techniques to run a highly student-centered language classroom
A full year subscription to the CI Master Class online workshop with video demos of the techniques, class-ready materials, and lots of thoughtful advice about how to manage a CI class. Includes over 50 cultural presentations, my database of student interview questions, card talk prompts, movie talks, picture talks, in-depth instructions for creating One Word Images, and an introduction to creating your own Matava scripts.
– Full class access to our Master Class eBook libraries with all of my novels, short stories and comics in French, German and Spanish.
– Download the new printable pamphlet library that focuses specifically on level 1 texts to get your lowest level readers into the pleasure reading program. Shift that pleasure reading program into high gear!!
A copy of “The Two Conversations Classroom” (276 pages).
– Subscription to the weekly newsletters that guide participants through the CI Master Class each week.

Sign up now and participants will be given immediate access to the CI Master Class.

“Thank you for your excellent presentation, guidance, and encouragement for our Tucson World Language teachers! You were a hit, even with my boss!” – John D’Andrea, Tucson, AZ

“If you are a teacher… you need to know the name Mike Peto. He has changed my classroom… my life, for the better. I have so much fun teaching following his methods and sequence for the year, and the best part my students are learning whilst enjoying the process!”
– Emily Jacobs

Workshop hours: 9am – 4pm on Saturday with a 30 minute lunch on your own.
Participants are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch.

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